SorTex: Textile Collection
Pre-sorting Management

SorTex – Project Snapshot

Project Lead at Wargön Innovation: Gabriella Engström
Project Owner: Herning Municipality, Denmark
Project Coordinator in Sweden: Wargön Innovation
Project Partners: Wargön Innovation, Herning Municipality, Borås Energy & Environment, Bæredygtig Herning, Cyclothe, Erhvervsrådet Herning & Ikast-Brande, City of Gothenburg, NewRetex, VIA University College, Svenljunga Municipality, SYSAV, Trollhättan Energy, Vänersborg Municipality
Duration: September 1, 2024 – August 31, 2027
Funders: Interreg Öresund-Kattegat-Skagerrak and Västra Götaland Region
Budget: 33 million SEK


The SorTex project is a pioneering initiative aimed at transforming textile waste management across Sweden and Denmark. By implementing cutting-edge methods for the collection, sorting, and reuse of textiles, SorTex is a bold step towards a sustainable, circular economy. As an integral collaborator, Cyclothe contributes its advanced AI-driven solutions to enhance the efficiency and scalability of these processes. 


Annually, 7.5 megatons of textile waste are generated in the EU. Only 30-35% of this waste is collected and even less is effectively reused or recycled. This project’s objective is to improve these figures and address Europe’s growing textile waste problem by developing innovative methods for textile collection and pre-sorting while preserving material quality and maximizing value extraction. 

Key Objectives

Collection Methods

Developing effective methods for textile waste collection. Ensuring value preservation during collection and protecting materials from moisture and mold. 

Pre-sorting Development

Streamlining and scaling up pre-sorting processes. Creating efficient, scalable sorting systems, preserving material value during sorting. 

Market Development

Creating demand for sorted textile fractions. Developing outlets for processed materials and establishing sustainable business models.


Building scalable solutions for Swedish and Danish facilities. Creating practical guidelines for municipalities. Integrating sorting facilities with collection systems.

Cyclothe’s Role

Project Outcomes

The project brings together municipalities, technology innovators like Cyclothe and academic institutions to ensure cross-sector collaboration and it empowers municipalities with innovative tools promising to redefine the handling of textile waste and contribute meaningfully to a greener planet.

At the core of SorTex is pre-sorting innovation. The project focuses on developing cost-efficient and automated sorting solutions while ensuring worker safety and expertise. Our scalable approach adapts to various facility needs across Sweden and Denmark. 

Expected Project Impact: 

  • 70% reduction in textile waste in other waste streams 
  • 20% cost reduction per ton of pre-sorted textiles 
  • Creation of 20 new jobs in pre-sorting, supporting workforce diversity 
  • Comprehensive handbook for Nordic textile collection practices 

The solutions emphasize both technological advancement and social responsibility, setting new standards for textile waste management in the Nordic region. 

Together, we’re shaping a sustainable future one garment at a time. 


September 2024

SorTex Project Launch

The project launches with a thorough analysis of existing textile waste technologies and industry expertise, creating a baseline for development.

October 2024

SorTex Kick-off Conference

The SorTex kick-off conference was held on October 8, 2024, in Gothenburg, marking the official launch of the project.

January 2025

Waste Framework
Directive comes into effect

The Waste Framework Directive requires EU member states to implement separate collection systems for textiles, prioritizing reuse and recycling to advance circular economy goals.

April 2025

SorTex Partner Meeting in Copenhagen

The SorTex Partner Meeting in April 2025 in Copenhagen will bring together stakeholders to review progress and align on the next steps for advancing the project’s objectives.


Wargön Innovation AB
Borås Energi och Miljö AB
Erhvervsrådet Herning & Ikast-Brande
Svenljunga Kommun
Vänersborgs Kommun
Göteborgs Kommun
NewRetex A/S
Trollhättan Energi Aktiebolag
Sydskånes avfallsaktiebolag SYSAV
Professionshøjskolen VIA University College